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The Emme Company furnishes also road signs. Respect the Rules of the road means respect the other and safeguard our safety! For this reason we must learn at least the principals road signs. They could be verticals, brights, manuals and horizontals.

The most important signs are verticals signs and they communicate with forms:

  • those triangulars advise us of a danger or "to give precedence"
  • those circulars pointing out an obligation or a prohibition
  • those rectangulars or squares give some indications

The warning signs forewarn the existence of dangers and they impose a careful behaviour. They are triangulars with the apex aloft, the board is red, the back is white and the symbol is black.

The mandatory signs impose to the users a specific behaviour that must be respected. They are circular and they are divided in generics (with blue back and white symbol) and specifics like "state border" (with white back, red board and black symbol). The prohibition signs forbid the transit to users and they also forbid determined actions such as  "parking prohibited" or "speed limit". Generally, they are circulars with white back, red board and black symbol. 

The precedence signs show to users that they must "give the precedence" or they "take precedence". They have different forms, for instance the "STOP" sign is hexagonal.

The informatory signs fournish to the users the necessary information about the drive or the individuation of places, services and itineraries. They could have different forms and colors.

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