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Published on 22/08/2024
Sustainability Report

EMME's commitment translates into numbers: sustainability report 2023

Choosing EMME as your firefighting partner also means showing attention to environmental and sustainability issues. This is proven by the data collected in the new corporate sustainability report, compiled last June with the consultancy of Ollum [].

Leafing through the pages reveals extremely positive, with significant improvements in environmental performance and employee well-being.

Some numbers clearly show the positive trend, such as the parameter of energy intensity on turnover, i.e. how much is consumed in relation to turnover. From 2022 to 2023, the figure dropped by around 17%, showing greater energy efficiency with a reduction in environmental impact. Furthermore, EMME already does not use methane gas and has installed a new photovoltaic system with a capacity of 23.5 kWp.

Working on other aspects, it was possible to reduce the total amount of waste produced by about 5.4%, with a very small proportion of hazardous waste (just 0.04% of the total waste produced). This figure reflects an effective waste reduction and management strategy aimed at minimising environmental impact.

Thanks to these and other concrete actions, the company is contributing to no fewer than five SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) contained in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These also include achievements on the social side, relating to safety (no accidents recorded in 2023) and the continued employment of our employees (91% with a permanent contract). Signs of a real interest in building a healthy and people-friendly working environment.

Ultimately, these commitments also translate into benefits for our customers, with better services contributing to the reputation of those who use EMME products.

Want to know more details about our sustainability report? Contact us now!